I didn't even hesitate. "Well, do you want me to start from the beginning?" And then I laid it out for him. You can't cancel on me and just totally get away with it.
Now had this occurred pre-Springtime Resolution, I would've denied being mad. I would've shrugged it off. I would've pretended that he was just being silly. "Me?! Mad? Oh no. I wasn't intentionally not responding to your emails - work was just really busy." Actually, pre-Springtime Resolution, such a question would never even have been posed because he wouldn't have known that I was mad at him in the first place. I would never have let it show so clearly that I was peeved at being cancelled on. I would've just pretended that it wasn't a big deal at all or said something to make him feel less guilty. "Oh, no worries. I ended up having to work late that night anyway." I've always preferred that guys view me as a calm, collected, easy-going, rational girl. Because who wants to date the crazy bitch who spazzes out at you all the time?
So when I did "spaz" out at 'F', I think it may have been the most honest I've been with a guy about my feelings in a while, maybe ever. Rather ironic, considering I don't see this as a long-term thing. But maybe that's just it. I wasn't worried that he would think I was acting crazy if I told him I was mad. I wasn't concerned that things might end if I showed some emotion. I could be honest with him because I wasn't caught up in trying to turn us into a relationship.
The result? Things didn't end because I got mad at him. And that feeling of not holding things back was actually liberating.
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